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Thursday, 9 September 2004, 5:42 pm
Press Release: Commtest

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Commtest Instruments VB 2000 saves Metso Minerals months onproduct testing

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Christchurch, New Zealand, 9September 2004 - Since Metso Minerals incorporated theCommtest vibration analyser system into their testprogramme, they have more than justified their investment.They have been able to achieve, and pass onto theircustomers, significant product design enhancements thatincrease performance and reliability, and reduce costs allround.

Metso Minerals, based in Matamata NewZealand, designs, manufactures and exports up to 23 tonneBarmac (Vertical Shaft Impacter) VSI crushers that canpulverise between 10 and 2080 tonnes of rocks per hour intobite-sized smithereens. With such formidable force theslightest structural imbalance can cause almost as muchdamage to the machine itself, as it does to the rocks itpunishes.

While maintenance is critical and repairsare inevitable, Metso design engineers are discovering theadvantage of using Commtest VB 2000 to fine-tune prototypesand minimise wear and tear on machinery.

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Rock OnRock For Crushing Results

Invented in New Zealandthe Barmac VSI is globally unique due to its power-savingcrushing process. Unlike other types of crusher, which usemetallic parts to crush rocks, the Barmac uses rocks fedinto the machine to crush others through high velocityimpact. Rocks entering the rotating rotor are hurled at highspeeds into the chamber and smashed against other rocksfalling through the machine. Adjusting the rotor speedcontrols the size and shape of the reduced product desiredfor the application.

The Barmac has found a home inmany niche applications offering lower power consumption, upto 50% less wear and tear to metal parts, and increasedproduct throughput by up to 30% over other technology.

The machines are used in over 3000 quarrying and mineralprocessing sites worldwide. Customers include aggregate andsand processing plants, industrial mineral sites from cementclinker to diamond mines, to waste and recycling sites.

In such critical and dangerous environments reliabilityand productivity is key, and customers can ill afford tohave any component of their business out of operation and inneed of costly repair. Therefore, a constant challenge forMetso design engineers is building a crusher that canwithstand the rock-pounding abuse, is easy to maintain,cost-effective to produce and operate, and requires minimaldowntime.

Using Vibration Analysis To AvoidResonance Damage

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The design of Metso machines hasadvanced considerably over the years and they are now usedin more applications and run at a wider range of speeds thanever before.

“We used to employ consultants toperform vibration tests on new prototypes as well as onproblematic machines. But this was proving a costly exerciseand didn’t allow the flexibility or convenience ofexperimenting with and analysing a variety of tests fordetailed design and modification,” said David Kenny, R&DEngineer at Metso Minerals.

“We started doing ourown tests three years ago after an incident where we werebaffled as to what had caused a cracked shaft on one of ourmachines. We were amazed when a consultant established thefault straightaway using Commtest’s vibration analysisequipment in a bump test. He found that, at a certain speed,the resonance - or natural frequency - of the machine wasthe root cause of the problem. Azurewave usb devices driver download for windows. The solution was to adjustthe rotor speed above or below its natural frequency, and wehad no more problems.”

Excited with this fast andaccurate analysis Metso decided to invest in an in-housesolution. They looked at what their suppliers andconsultants were using and chose to purchase the Commtest VB2000.

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“Compared with the cost of employing consultantsevery time we looked at a design change, and againstcompeting products at almost three times the price, it waseasy to justify to management the investment in the VB 2000vibration analysis system,” explained David.

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Enhanced Product Design with the VB 2000

SinceMetso purchased the Commtest VB 2000 design engineers havebeen able to apply regular condition monitoring tests to allnew prototypes.

The company has a range of sevenBarmac machines on the market, and continually improves themto perform better in existing applications, as well as newapplications that are developed. They have also had to dealwith more and more customers using variable speed drivesthat allow them to quickly change the product required thatday.

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Traditionally these machines have belts andpulleys to change increment speeds, which wouldn’t change sooften. Having more customers using variable speed drives hascreated a new set of problems and made the design morecomplex,” said David.

“We use the VB 2000 to findthe natural frequencies in the speed range that each machineprototype is rated for. This enables us to make the wholefrequency range safe to work and eliminates any possibilityof excessive vibration that could cause surprisebreakdowns.”

The ability to do these teststhemselves allows Metso instant flexibility, speed andconvenience to adapt the structural design of their machinesaccordingly.

How Commtest’s VB 2000 Saves Months onProduct Testing and Analysis

Without Commtest’s VB2000 vibration analysis equipment it would have taken Metsoup to four months to test and determine at which of the tenspeeds the resonance might occur and cause damage to aprototype. Now it only takes one day of tests per prototypeto locate where the problems are likely to be.

“Theolder Barmac machines were over-engineered with highersafety margins, and required more steel and labour thanneeded to operate without resonance. To save on steel andget the same results we needed to do better testing anddesign the products more effectively,” explained David.

“To meet customer demand for advanced machinery, we’vehad to learn how to work smarter, not harder. The VB 2000gives us results we can use to maximise the design of newprototypes for increased reliability and performance, whileminimising steel and labour costs.”

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“Throughout therelationship Commtest have guided us well, and providedexcellent customer service and support. The VB 2000 hasproved very cost-effective.”

About CommtestInstruments (


Commtest Instrumentsis a privately owned company, headquartered in ChristchurchNew Zealand, that specialises in creating precisionmonitoring and analysis solutions that enable companies todiagnose a machine’s operating condition quickly andcost-effectively. With an established channel footprint in24 countries, Commtest generates 98% of its revenue fromoverseas earnings with major customers in forestry,printing, paper & pulp, rail, transit and defence. Thecompany achieved top recognition for its export sales in theNZTE and NZ Business 2003 survey of New Zealand’s 100 mostsuccessful exporters.

The Commtest VB Series are‘intelligent maintenance solutions’ designed to provideprecision vibration, monitoring and analysis of rotatingmachinery at a fraction of the cost of comparable packages.Customers can expect up to 35% costs savings when they makea full changeover from preventative maintenance to apredictive maintenance system, and achieve reduction inplant power consumption by 10% or more.

About MetsoMinerals (Matamata) Limited

Metso Minerals(Matamata) Ltd, based in Matamata, New Zealand, manufacturesthe Barmac Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) rock crusher used inthe global quarrying and minerals processing industries. The company was established in 1968 and became part of theMetso Corporation in 2001. They now employ nearly 70 peopleand exports 90% of its products to the network of MetsoMinerals distributors around the world.

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