Bluebird Soft Port Devices Driver

  1. Bluebird Soft Port Devices Drivers
  2. Bluebird Soft Port Devices Driver Updater

This is so because when kept near the device, wifi router hinders Bluetooth connectivity. Pair the Bluetooth gadgets away from the computer if the device has a USB 3.0 port. The reason is high-speed USB 3.0 ports interrupt the Bluetooth pairing. Always have the latest, correct, and compatible Bluetooth driver installed for seamless pairing. Connectivity Support; USB: Windows contains an in-box class driver for USB connected barcode scanners which is based on the HID POS Scanner Usage Table (8c) specification defined by the table below for a list of known compatible devices. Support & Downloads Get troubleshooting, maintenance and warranty information. Download software, drivers and brochures. A library of over 250,000 device drivers, firmware, BIOS and utilities for Windows.

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Update the device driver In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager. Select a category to see names of devices, then right-click (or press and hold) the one you’d like to update. Select Search automatically for updated driver software.

DirectSOFT Software for Windows TroubleShooting Guide

Software Installation

There are currently two known problems when trying to install the software. The first problem is only a Windows 3.1 or 3.11 problem, and it shows up when the software needs to prompt you to insert the second disk. What you see on the screen is a box telling you that the software has generated an Application Error. The filename LZWSERV is usually mentioned. What has happened is that Windows is trying to get some memory that is being used by an adapter such as a video card or network card in the high memory area of the computer,. The remedy is to tell Windows not to use this memory area by simply adding the command line argument '/D:X' when you start Windows ( example: WIN /D:X ).

The second problem occurs only under Windows 95 and only if the installation diskettes are write protected. The computer appears to lock up just after the main installation screen appears. What is really happening is that the message that should tell you that the disk is write protected is not being handled correctly and the dialog box that should prompt you to un-writeprotect the disk and retry is not visible. The remedy is again very simple, un-writeprotect the disk and retry the installation.


Our DirectSOFT programming software requires no additional hardware than what is already available on a normal computer, an unused serial port. The key word in this phrase is unused. Before continuing, some background information on how personal computers work with serial devices is useful in understanding how to configure your computer to work with multiple serial devices. Serial ports are pathways in a computer that direct information to and from the attached serial devices. Although a computer can have multiple applications that use these serial ports, only one serial device at a time can use any given port. The serial ports get access to the CPU through a mechanism called 'interrupts'. This is where the initial design of the personal computer has become a liability. Since there are four separate serial ports available in the BIOS you would think there would be four interrupts separate assigned. Not so. COM1 and COM3 share interrupt #4 and COM2 and COM3 share interrupt #3. To further complicate things, there can be different settings for DOS and for Windows. Our software expects the default settings for ports COM1 and COM2. There could be different interrupt values for COM3 and for COM4 if you have this additional hardware present in the computer. From within Windows you can use Control Panel to make sure that the ports are set with default values. Select Control Panel, double click Ports, double click the COM port you want, click on Advanced to see the data for that port. These are the default values for the serial ports.

In a typical personal computer running DirectSOFT there will be two serial devices active, the mouse with it's device driver and the PLC with the DirectSOFT driver. As long as the mouse is connected to COM1 or COM3 and DirectSOFT is connected to COM2 or COM4 you should be able to communicate freely. The problems come along when you have a third or possibly fourth serial device, like an internal fax/modem. Now you have three devices and essentially two serial ports ( because of the shared interrupts ), so something has to give. The first indication of an interrupt conflict is in the Configure Link screen when trying to establish a link to the PLC. If you have just clicked on the Auto button, what you probably saw was the list of parity and baud rate combinations change so fast you could not read them, then the message 'Comm Error Connecting to PLC' showed up. If this list of combinations changed about once per second you most likely do not have an interrupt conflict, it's probably a device driver interfering with the communications. We now need to determine what is using these COM resources. Historically it has been either the mouse or an internal modem.

If you have an internal modem, and it can be set to use some other interrupt by jumpers or with software, you are home free but be aware that most of them cannot be set this way. The only other option is to let the modem and the mouse share an interrupt by setting the mouse to COM1 and the modem to COM3, leaving DirectSOFT on COM2. The downside is that the mouse may stop working when you dial the modem or the modem may not work because the mouse driver is already using the interrupt. Sometimes the only way to get both the mouse and DirectSOFT to work is to remove the modem card from the computer.

Other alternatives are remove the mouse and it's driver by selecting the 'No Mouse or Other Pointing Device' in the Windows Setup utility ( Windows without a mouse is not much fun but it can be done ), purchase a Bus mouse with it's interface card that allows you select an unused interrupt, or purchase an additional serial interface card to get COM3 and/or COM4 with the ability to select different interrupts for these ports.

Most problems with the mouse are something like 'my mouse quits working when I start DirectSOFT'. This is probably caused by DirectSOFT scanning the COM port where the mouse is connected when the communication server starts up. This problem usually occurs with older mouse drivers ( like those originally shipped with the Windows software ) that do not register themselves with Windows correctly. This registration error prevents DirectSOFT from accurately detecting ports already in use. This can be remedied by telling DirectSOFT which ports it can access. The file DIRCTSFT.INI located in the WINDOWS directory contains a section that controls port access. This file can be edited with any text editor, such as Windows Notepad. Open the file and search for the section [devasync.dll]. You will see the following information.

You simply set the port enable bits to match your machine's configuration by changing the 1's to 0's to disable the ports you don't want DirectSOFT to use. It is good practice to disable all ports EXCEPT for the port you want to use to connect to the PLC, For example, to disable COM1 ( mouse ), COM3 ( not present ) and COM4 ( not present ) set the port enable bits as follows:

Now save the changes and restart DirectSOFT.

If you still cannot get a connection established to a PLC, the next logical step is to swap the mouse and DirectSOFT ports to make sure that both serial ports are working correctly inside Windows. Doing this can sometimes require the Windows installation diskettes to load the mouse driver for the other serial port. If you are using one of the mouse drivers that comes with Windows, the first thing to do is exit Windows, change to the WINDOWS directory and run SETUP.EXE. Select the mouse option from the menu, choose a driver for the COM port you want to use, ( if you were using COM1 pick a driver for COM2 and vice versa ), Accept the changes. If SETUP needs drivers from the Windows diskettes, it will tell which disk to use.

If you are not using a mouse driver that came with Windows, for example a Logitek Mouse, find out from your mouse installation guide what it takes to move the driver to the COM port you want. For a Logitek Mouse you simply specify what COM port you want as a command line parameter in AUTOEXEC.BAT, like 'c:lmousemouse 2' to only use COM2. Once you do this, power down, swap the mouse and DirectSOFT cables, power up and make sure the mouse is found on the COM port you specified, and make sure it works in Windows. If the mouse does not work, you may have found the source of the communication problem, a hardware problem of some kind with the COM port. If you are brave enough to navigate around in Windows without the mouse, you should now be able to create a link to the PLC on the COM port you just freed up.

If you still cannot get a connection established, you can try the following to see if there is some other DOS device driver causing the problem. We essentially need to reboot the system clean except for the one device driver needed for Windows. If you have DOS 6.00 or greater, there is a real easy way to do this. Reboot the computer, wait until you see the line 'Starting MS-DOS..' appear on the monitor, then press the F8 key. DOS will now prompt you to confirm each line in CONFIG.SYS. You should type 'N' to every option except for the line that something like has 'DEVICE=C:WINDOWSHIMEM.SYS'. Once at the DOS prompt change to the WINDOWS directory and start Windows as normal and retry the connection.

Bluebird Soft Port Devices Drivers

Bluebird soft port devices driver updater

If you don't have DOS 6.XX or greater you should simply comment out each line of CONFIG.SYS ( insert a REM at the beginning of the line ) except for the line containing HIMEM.SYS, reboot and retry the connection.

Laptop computers bring an entirely new set of problems because they are usually laden with device drivers for all of the options on the computer. The option that usually gets in the way is the PCMCIA driver set. Again you usually get the infamous 'Comm Error Connecting To PLC' message when trying to establish a link to the PLC. With a PCMCIA slot you usually get a new Windows serial device driver, possibly some other Windows drivers and a CONFIG.SYS full of 'device=' commands. The Windows serial driver is found in the SYSTEM.INI file located in the WINDOWS directory. In the [boot] section at the top of the file, there is a line that starts with 'comm.drv='. DirectSOFT is expecting the default driver so the line needs to read 'comm.drv=comm.drv'. If it is something like 'comm.drv=c:pcmpluspcmplus.drv', simply comment it out ( by inserting a ';' as the first character on the line ) and add the line comm.drv=comm.drv. While we're editing the file, continue to look through the file for other lines that have the same path information as the driver you just commented out, if you find any, comment them out as well. If there are any more they will most likely be in the [386Enh] section. Most PCMCIA cards will work just fine with the Windows version of the driver. We now need to do the same thing to the CONFIG.SYS file, commenting out lines ( insert a REM at the beginning of each line ) that have anything to do with the PCMCIA slot. Restart the computer and try again.

Another thing you get into with laptop computers is Power Management software. This software monitors system activity and shuts down power to parts of the PC to conserve the batteries. Since the serial port is one of the things that is monitored, this driver can keep a connection to a PLC from working. This option is usually installed in the CONFIG.SYS file as a 'device=XXXXXX' line. It is hard to be specific about the file name but a few examples are BATTERY.PRO, POWER.EXE and PM.EXE. Comment out the drivers, reboot your computer and try the connection again.

Bluebird Soft Port Devices Driver

Power Management could also be a BIOS setup option ( check the CMOS setup ). If it is, disable the option and retry the connection. Sometimes there is even a driver used by Windows. It will usually show up in the WIN.INI file in the WINDOWS directory, usually on the line beginning with 'load=' or 'run='. If so comment them out, restart Windows and retry the connection.

Toshiba laptops and any sold under different brand labels almost always have a specialized video device driver that can adversely affect communications. They usually don't completely inhibit communications, they just cause an excessive amount of data errors and retries. While in DirectSOFT, with status enabled, you probably see the word 'Error' show up in red on the On-line toolbar where the word On-line usually shows up. You can eliminate this by using the VGA driver that comes with Windows instead of the Toshiba driver. Select the Windows Setup ( it is usually in the Main group ), click Options, then select Change System Settings, click the down arrow on the Display option to see the list of available drivers. Scroll through this list looking for the VGA option. Click on the option then click on OK. Windows should now ask you if you want to use the Current VGA driver or install a new one, select Current. Bentel Security Driver Download for Windows 10. Windows will now have to restart to take effect. There should be no visible difference with the new driver, but hopefully the communications will work better.

The standard windows serial device driver that came as part of Windows 3.1 and 3.11 has a known bug only when used on Pentium 60 and 66 Mhz machines and some 486 computers with PCI motherboards. It causes something like 'my machine locks up when DirectSOFT tries to bring up the launch window'. There is an updated driver provided by Microsoft. Obtain the new serial driver 'SERIAL.386' ( dated 2-17-94 or later ), place it in the WINDOWSSYSTEM directory the restart Windows. This file is available in numerous places on the Internet ( example ) It is important to note the date because there is another version of this file dated November 1993 that does not have this particular fix in it.

Biosta laptops & desktops driver download. Software for other PLC vendors sometimes have device drivers that replace the default drivers. One example is Allen Bradley. Their KT card has drivers you may need to comment out. Their APS software, if setup to run from within Windows, will put 'device=' statements in the SYSTEM.INI file that may need to be commented out ( search for things like 'dh485.386' in the [386Enh] section ).

If you are trying to connect DirectSOFT to a DL 405 CPU being powered with 110VAC, you must install the shunt across the bottom two screws on the power supply connector ( see pg. 3-2 of the DL 405 User Manual ). Failure to connect the shunt when powering the CPU with 110VAC puts the CPU near brownout and prevents the UARTs from operating correctly.

There are even some screen savers that can prevent DirectSOFT from establishing a connection to a PLC because they also monitor the machine ( serial ports ) for activity and this monitoring activity is the problem. Disable the screen saver and retry the connection


There is only one problem currently with printing that we know of and again it is not of our own doing. If you have this problem it manifests itself by generating a General Protection Fault and dumping you out of the software any time you pick any of the Print options. This problem can be cured by deleting the global print settings file 'c:dirctsftprogrambinprntserv.rst'. Exit Windows, delete the file, restart Windows and DirectSOFT and try the print again.

Another thing that sometimes happens is that the documentation shows up fine on the screen and in Print Preview but doesn't show up on the printed page. It is usually a color related problem. Windows uses your video card in combination with the printer driver to generate the output for the printer. Since the printer is black and white and the display is in color, Windows has to make the translation from color to monochrome as part of the stuff sent to the printer. Bugs in printers drivers ( yes they do exist ) sometimes cause Windows to guess wrong at the color translation and generate white text on a white background. The fix is to go to the View menu, select Color Setup and set the colors to Black Text on White Background and retry the print.

As a general rule, if the ladder view looks correct in Print Preview but does not show up correctly on the printed page, the thing you should suspect is the printer driver you are using. Upgrade your printer driver to the most current one available ( check out on the Internet, most companies now have home pages with driver updates available ). The drivers that come packaged with Windows can sometimes be several years old and don't support all of the new printers correctly. If your printer has the ability to emulate some other printer, you can use the printer driver for the one being emulated. Make sure it still looks correct in Print Preview and retry the print.

USBDeview v3.01
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2020 Nir Sofer

See Also

  • USB over Ethernet - USB Network Gate enables work with the remote USB devices over Ethernet (Internet/LAN/WAN) as if they were plugged into your own machine. It helps you share a USB device over network among multiple computers so people from all over the world (or your office) can use it. (Available for Windows, Mac and Linux)
  • NK2Edit - Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.
  • DevManView - Alternative to device manager of Windows.
  • WirelessNetView - Monitor wireless networks on your area.


USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well asall USB devices that you previously used.
For each USB device, extended information is displayed: Device name/description, device type, serial number(for mass storage devices), the date/time that device was added, VendorID, ProductID, and more..

Bluebird Soft Port Devices Driver Updater

USBDeview also allows you to uninstall USB devices that you previously used, disconnect USB devices that are currently connected to your computer, as well as to disable and enable USB devices.
You can also use USBDeview on a remote computer, as long as you login to that computer with admin user.

Search for other utilities in NirSoft


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files inthe distribution package, without any modification !


The software is provided 'AS IS' without any warranty, either expressed or implied,including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental,consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.

System Requirement

  • This utility works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.Windows 98/ME is not supported.

Known Issues

  • In order to disable/enable USB items on x64 systems, you also must use the x64 version of USBDeview.
  • The 'Created Date' column doesn't display correct values on Windows 7/8/Vista/2008.
  • Some USB devices with bad driver may cause USBDeview to hang.In order to bypass this problem, you should turn off the 'Retrieve USB Power/Version Information' option:
    USBDeview.exe /RetrieveUSBPower 0

Versions History

  • Version 3.01
    • Added 'Copy Clicked Cell' option to the right-click context menu, which copies to the clipboard the text of cell that you right-clicked with the mouse.
  • Version 3.00
    • Added 4 new columns: Install Time, First Install Time, Connect Time, Disconnect Time.
    • You can view the new fields only when you run USBDeview as Administrator (Elevation). You can run USBDeview as Administrator by pressing Ctrl+F11.
    • 'Install Time' and 'First Install Time' fields are available starting from Windows 7.
    • 'Connect Time' and 'Disconnect Time' fields are available only on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
    • These properties are stored in the Registry under Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} subkey of every USB device, and only SYSTEM user can read them.
    • Changed the 'Created Date' column to 'Registry Time 1' and the 'Last Plug/Unplug Date' column to 'Registry Time 2'.The change is made because the actual meaning of these timestamps is different from one system to another.
  • Version 2.86
    • Added 'RegEdit Open Mode' option - 'Without Elevation' or 'With Elevation'.
  • Version 2.85
    • Added option to create a shortcut on your desktop to disable,enable,disable-enable, or disconnect a USB device.
    • In order to create the shortcut, select the desired item you want to disable/enable/disconnect, go to File -> Create Desktop Shortcut and from thesubmenu choose the desired action for the shortcut.
    • The shortcut will work only for the USB item you selected.
  • Version 2.81
    • Added 'Open Device Properties Window' option.
  • Version 2.80
    • Fixed the serial number command-line options (/stop_by_serial , /enable_by_serial , /disable_by_serial , /remove_by_serial) to accept decoded serial numbers.
  • Version 2.79
    • Added 'Always On Top' option.
  • Version 2.78
    • Added /cfg command-line option to start USBDeview with the specified config file.
  • Version 2.77
    • You can now change the number of milliseconds to wait between disable and enable actions when using the 'Disable+Enable Selected Devices' option (or disable-enable command-line options).
      In order to change it - edit the config file (USBDeview.cfg) and change the 'DisableEnableWaitTime' value (The default is 100 milliseconds).
  • Version 2.76
    • You can now send the data to stdout by specifying empty string as filename, for example:
      USBDeview.exe /scomma ' | more
  • Version 2.75
    • When connecting a remote computer, the computer name is now displayed in the window title.
    • Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' to the 'Column Settings' window.
  • Version 2.74
    • Fixed bug: The /regfile , /remote and /remotefile command-line options stopped working properly because the USBDeview loaded the settings from the .cfg file..
  • Version 2.73
    • USBDeview now detects the port name (COM1, COM2, COM3.. ) of FTDI devices.
  • Version 2.72
    • Added 'Friendly Name' column.
  • Version 2.71
    • When running USBDeview locally, the 'Computer Name' column now displays the local computer name (In previous versions it was empty)
  • Version 2.70
    • Added new command-line options to check whether a USB device is connected (USBDeview returns 0 if the device is not connected):/is_connected , /is_connected_by_serial , /is_connected_by_drive, /is_connected_by_class , /is_connected_by_pid
      For example:USBDeview.exe /is_connected 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'
    • Added new command-line options to check whether a USB device is disabled (USBDeview returns 0 if the device is not disabled):/is_disabled , /is_disabled_by_serial , /is_disabled_by_drive, /is_disabled_by_class , /is_disabled_by_pid
      For example:USBDeview.exe /is_disabled 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'
  • Version 2.66
    • USBDeview now can start the Remote Registry service even if it's disabled.
  • Version 2.65
    • Added option to automatically start the Remote Registry service on the remote machine for reading the USB devices information (In 'Advnaced Options' window).
  • Version 2.62
    • Added /RunAsAdmin command-line option. You can use it with other command-line options of actions that require elevation ( /remove, /disable , /enable , /disable_enable ),for example:
      USBDeview.exe /RunAsAdmin /disable 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'
  • Version 2.61
    • Fixed bug: The 'Run As Administrator' option failed to work randomly on some systems.
  • Version 2.60
    • Improved the detection of device connect status (Connected column) on Windows 10 and Windows 8.
  • Version 2.55
    • Added 'Display Only Devices With Drive Letter' option.
  • Version 2.52
    • USBDeview now saves the last selected font in the .cfg file.
  • Version 2.51
    • Added 'Open INF File' option.
  • Version 2.50
    • Added 'Driver InfSection' and 'Driver InfPath' columns.
  • Version 2.46
    • Added 'Run As Administrator' option.
  • Version 2.45
    • You can now choose to connect a remote computer or external Registry file from the 'Advanced Options' window (In previous versions, you could do it only from command-line)
    • Fixed to display an error message when USBDeview fails to connect a remote computer.
  • Version 2.42
    • Added 'Capabilities' column. You can read about the meaning of every string inside this column in this article
  • Version 2.41
    • Fixed bug: USBDeview failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
  • Version 2.40
    • Added 'Sort On Every Update' option.
  • Version 2.37
    • Added 'Decode Serial Numbers' option. When it's turned on, a serial number that is encoded as hexadecimal string is decoded to Ascii.
  • Version 2.36
    • Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
  • Version 2.35
    • Added 'Reload USB Hub' option (Ctrl+R). When you select a USB hub item and use the 'Reload USB Hub' option, all USB devices connected to this hub arereconnected, including USB devices that you previously disconnected. Be aware that in order to use this option, you also have to turn on the 'Show USB Hubs' option (Ctrl+F7).
  • Version 2.31
    • Added 'Copy Sorted Column Data' option, which copies to the clipboard the text of all selected items, but only the column that is currently sorted.
  • Version 2.30
    • Fixed bug on Windows Vista/7/8 with UAC turned on: USBDeview failed to remove USB devices when running without elevation.
  • Version 2.29
    • Fixed to display the correct Power value of USB 3.0 devices.
  • Version 2.28
    • Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings.
  • Version 2.27
    • You can now use the 'Open In RegEdit' features on Windows Vista/7/8 (with UAC turned on) without running USBDeview.exe as Administrator.Elevation window will appear to confirm every action.
  • Version 2.26
    • Update for Windows 7/8/Vista/2008: USBDeview now extracts the real device name directly from hardware when the device is connected and the 'Retrieve USB Power/Version Information' option isturned on.
  • Version 2.25
    • Added new command-line options to disable and then enable again a device:/disable_enable,/disable_enable_by_serial ,/disable_enable_by_drive ,/disable_enable_by_class , /disable_enable_by_pid ,/disable_enable_all
    • You can now specify the device Instance ID string in the following command-line options:/disable, /enable, /remove, /disable_enable, /stop
      For example:USBDeview.exe /disable 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'
    • You can now use the disable/enable/uninstall features on Windows Vista/7/8 (with UAC turned on) without running USBDeview.exe as Administrator.Elevation window will appear to confirm every action.
  • Version 2.22
    • Fixed USBDeview to add header line to the csv/tab-delimited files when exporting the USB information from command-line.In order to add the header line, you can use the /AddExportHeaderLine command-line option, or simply turn on the 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' optionfrom the user interface.
  • Version 2.21
    • You can now use the disable/enable/remove command-line options according to the com number of a USB to serial device. For example:
      USBDeview.exe /disable_by_drive com62
  • Version 2.20
    • Update for Windows 8: It seems that on Windows 8, it's impossible to detect from the Registry whether a device is connected or disconnected, soinstead of using the Registry, a device is displayed as connected if it has power/version information.Be aware that if the 'Retrieve USB Power/Version Information' option is turned off on Windows 8, all devices will displayed as disconnected.
  • Version 2.18
    • Fixed issue: The %drive% variable returned empty string for USB to serial devices.
  • Version 2.17
    • Fixed bug: When plugging 2 USB devices with the same pid/vid, USBDeview disabled/enabled/removed the wrong device.
  • Version 2.16
    • Added new variable to the execute command option: %usb_version%
  • Version 2.15
    • Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.
    • Fixed issue: The properties and the options windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
  • Version 2.12
    • Fixed issue: USBDeview failed to detect some devices as connected, even if they were connected.
  • Version 2.11
    • Fixed USBDeview to detect the version/power information of Etron USB 3.0 host controller, and possibly other USB host controllers.
  • Version 2.10
    • Fixed the 'Last Plug/Unplug Date' value on Windows 7.
    • Fixed the 'Device Mfg' value on Windows 7.
  • Version 2.06
    • Fixed bug: USBDeview froze for a few seconds if there was a disconnected network drive on the system.
  • Version 2.05
    • Fixed the speed test error messages of USB 3.0 devices. Also, you can now submit the speed tests of USB 3.0 devices to Web site
  • Version 2.00
    • Changed the USB status icons so it'll be much easier to distinguish between them, especially on small LCD monitors.
  • Version 1.97
    • Added more accelerator keys.
    • Fixed the minimum size of Advanced Options window.
    • Added a few more command-line options.
  • Version 1.96
    • Fixed to USBDeview to detect USB hubs (and probably some other devices) as connected.
  • Version 1.95
    • Added 'USB Version' column, which displays the USB version of the device.This column is active only when 'Retrieve USB Power/Version Information' option is turned on.
  • Version 1.92
    • Added 'Turn Off Device On Disable/Remove' option, only for Windows 7/2008/Vista.As opposed to Windows XP, Windows 7/2008/Vista doesn't turn off the USB device when you disable or 'Safely Remove' the device.This new option make a small Registry change to make Windows 7/2008/Vista behave like Windows XP and turn off the device after disable or 'Safely Remove' action.For more information: USB Port Remains Active for Disabled or Safely Removed USB Device.
      Be aware that this change takes effect only after reboot, and requires full admin rights (execute USBDeview.exe with 'Run As Administrator')
  • Version 1.91
    • For USB To Serial devices, USBDeview now displays the port name (Com1, Com2, Com3,..), if it's stored in the Registry.The port name is displayed on the 'Drive Letter' column.
  • Version 1.90
    • Improved the detection of the 'Last Plug/Unplug Date' value.
  • Version 1.89
    • Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Version 1.88
    • Added 'Mark Connected Devices' option. When it's turned on, the plugged USB devices are marked with green background color.
  • Version 1.87
    • Added Device Instance ID column.
  • Version 1.86
    • USBDeview now displays a message with instructions to run as administrator when you tryto disable/enable/remove a device on Windows 7/2008/Vista with UAC turned on.
  • Version 1.85
    • Added 'Change Assigned Drive Letter' option, which allows you to change the drive letterthat is assigned to a USB device. In the next time that you plug the device, the new drive letter that you chose will be used.
  • Version 1.84
    • Added new variables to the execute command option: %firmware_revision%, %product_name%, %vendor_name%
  • Version 1.83
    • Fixed bug: When typing commands in the 'Advanced Options' with quotes as the first or last letter, the quotesdisappeaed when saving to the .cfg file.
  • Version 1.82
    • The properties window now contains 2 properties columns, instead of one very long properties column in the previous versions.
  • Version 1.81
    • Added new variables to the execute command option: %driver_file%, %driver_version%, and %power%
  • Version 1.80
    • Added 'Firmware Revision' column.
  • Version 1.77
    • Added 'Display Tray Balloon When Device Is Disconnected' option.
  • Version 1.76
    • Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When this option is turned on, the column names are addedas the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
  • Version 1.75
    • Added 'Driver Description' and 'Driver Version' columns.
    • The status and version of usb.ids (The VendorID/ProductID file) is now displayed in the right side of the bottom status bar. Clicking this usb.ids status will open in your default Web browser.
  • Version 1.70
    • Added option to execute a command when you unplug a USB device (In 'Advanced Options' window)
  • Version 1.67
    • You can now send the USB devices information to stdout by specifying an empty filename (') in the command-line. (For example: usbdeview.exe /stext ' >> c:tempusb.txt)
    • Added new variables to the execute command option: %device_type%, %service_name%, %device_class%, and %device_mfg%
  • Version 1.65
    • Added 'Power' column, which displays the power required by the device in mA. (Works only forlocal computer)
  • Version 1.60
    • Added 2 new columns: 'Device Class' and 'Device Mfg'.
  • Version 1.56
    • Fix bug: when saving USB devices list from command-line, USBDeview saved all items, without considering the last saved configuration.
    • Added command-line options that controls what devices to save or display (/DisplayDisconnected, /DisplayHubs, /DisplayNoPortSerial, /DisplayNoDriver).
  • Version 1.55
    • Added 3 new columns of service/driver information: Service Name, Service Description, Driver Filename.
  • Version 1.50
    • Improved drive letter detection: USBDeview now also detect the drive letter of hard-disk drives connected to USB. (This improvement only works only for local computer)
  • Version 1.48
    • Fixed bug: USBDeview didn't allow you to make a speed test when the drive letter of the USB drive was A: or B:
  • Version 1.47
    • Fixed bug: USBDeview displayed wrong drive letters when the serial number or ParentId Prefix contained only one character.
    • Added a separated version for x64 systems, in order to allow you to disable/enable items on x64 systems.
  • Version 1.46
    • Added 'ParentId Prefix' column, which shows the ID string of the parent device.
  • Version 1.45
    • Fixed bug: On Windows Vista/7, USBDeview failed to detect that USB devices are disabled.
    • Added support for sorting the USB devices list from command-line.
  • Version 1.43
    • Fixed issue with Windows 7/Vista: The description field displayed unneeded prefix string like '@oem4.inf,%athr.devicedesc.5523%'.
  • Version 1.42
    • Added a few reliability checks for flash drive speed tests.If USBDeview detect that the final speed test result might not be reliable, an error message will be displayed.
  • Version 1.41
    • Fixed issue: When USBDeview window is hidden and there is an icon in the taskbar, running USBDeview again will open the existing instance of USBDeview, instead of creating another one.
  • Version 1.40
    • Added 'Speed Test' option for testing the read/write speed of your USB flash drive.Also, Added an option to publish your speed test results in
  • Version 1.36
    • Fixed bug: USBDeview didn't display some partly installed devices.
  • Version 1.35
    • Added 'Vendor Name' and 'Product Name' columns. (Requires to download an external USB IDs file)
    • New variables in command-string: %vid_hex% and %pid_hex% (vid and pid values as hexadecimal number)
    • Add icons legend in the help file and in the Web page.
  • Version 1.30
    • Added new option: Show Time In GMT.
  • Version 1.29
    • Fixed bug: For USB flash drives with multiple drives (like SanDisk Cruzer With U3), USBDeviewdisplayed only one drive letter randomly. Now it can display multiple drive letters.
  • Version 1.28
    • Added command-line options: /stop_by_pid, /disable_by_pid, /enable_by_pid, /remove_by_pid
  • Version 1.27
    • Added new option: Open In RegEdit.
  • Version 1.26
    • The 'Advanced Options' dialog-box is now resizable.
    • Added 'USB Hub' column (yes/no).
  • Version 1.25
    • Added Disable+Enable option - gives you the affect similar to unplugging and then plugging back the device.
    • Added 'Open Drive' option (For USB flash drives).
  • Version 1.22
    • Added new command line options: /remove_all_connected, /remove_all_disconnected
    • Fixed bug: using /remove_all removed also the USB hubs and caused the USB to stop working untilrestarting the computer.
  • Version 1.21
    • Added new option: Select Another Font.
  • Version 1.20
    • Added new command-line options to disable/enable/remove USB devices.
  • Version 1.18
    • Fixed bug: The main window lost the focus when the user switched to another application and then returned back to USBDeview.
  • Version 1.17
    • Fixed bug in saving as comma-delimited file when description or name fields contained comma character.
  • Version 1.16
    • Added support for saving comma-delimited (.csv) files.
    • Added new command-line option: /scomma
  • Version 1.15
    • New options: Disable/enable the selected USB devices (Works only with admin rights)
    • New Option: Start USBDeview As Hidden (Only when 'Put Icon On Tray' is turned on)
  • Version 1.12
    • The configuration is now saved to a file, instead of the Registry.
    • New option: Display a balloon in the tray icon when a new device is connected (only for Windows XP or above).
  • Version 1.11
    • Fixed bug: Changing the status of 'Put Icon On Tray' also changed the status of 'Show Tooltips'.
  • Version 1.10
    • New Option: Put Icon On Tray
    • New Option: AutoPlay on selected devices.
    • New Option: AutoPlay When Device Is Connected.
    • New Option: Execute a command when you insert a USB device. (In Advanced Options)
    • New Option: Disconnect All Devices.
  • Version 1.06
    • Added Disconnect/Uninstall buttons to the toolbar.
  • Version 1.05
    • New command-line option: /regfile
    • New option: Display USB Hubs.
  • Version 1.03 - New command-line option: /stop_by_class
  • Version 1.02 - New option: Display devices without drivers.
  • Version 1.01 - Fixed bug: In some computers, the USB devices list was loaded from the wrong hardware configuration.
  • Version 1.00 - First release.

Using USBDeview

USBDeview doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files.Just copy the executable file (USBDeview.exe) to any folder you like, and run it.
The main window of USBDeview displays all USB devices installed on your system.You can select one or more items, and then disconnect (unplug) them , uninstall them, or just savethe information into text/xml/html file.

USBDeview Columns Description

  • Device Name:Specifies the device name. For some device, this column may display meaningless name, like 'USB Device'.If the device name is meaningless, try to look at the Description column.
  • Device Description:The description of the device.
  • Device Type:The device type, according to USB class code.For more information about USB classes: USB Class Codes.
  • Connected:Specifies whether the device is currently connected to your computer.If the device is connected, you can use the 'Disconnect Selected Devices' option (F9) to disconnect the device.
  • Safe To Unplug:Specifies whether it's safe to unplug the device from the USB plug without disconnecting it first.If the value of this column is false, and you want to unplug this device, you must first disconnect this device by using the 'Disconnect Selected Devices' option (F9) of USBDeview utility, orby using the 'Unplug or Eject Hardware' utility of Windows operating system.
  • Drive Letter:Specifies the drive letter of the USB device.This column is only relevant to USB flash memory devices and to USB CD/DVD drives.Be aware that USBDeview cannot detect drive letters of USB hard-disks.
  • Serial Number:Specifies the serial number of the device.This column is only relevant to mass storage devices (flash memory devices, CD/DVD drives, and USB hard-disks).
  • Registry Time 1:This date/time value is taken from the timestamp of the device Registry key.In many cases, this date/time value represents the time that you first plugged the device to the USB port.However, be aware that in some circumstances this value may be wrong.Also, On Windows 7, this value is initialized with the current date/time on every reboot.
  • Registry Time 2:This date/time value is taken from the timestamp of the device Registry key.On some systems this time values Specifies the last time that you plugged/unplugged the device.This date value is lost when you restart the computer.
  • VendorID/ProductID:Specifies the VendorID and ProductID of the device.For unofficial list of VendorID/ProductID, click here.
  • USB Class/Subclass/Protocol:Specifies the Class/Subclass/Protocol of the device according to USB specifications.For more information about USB classes: USB Class Codes.
  • Hub/Port:Specifies the hub number and port number that the device was plugged into.This value is empty for mass storage devices.
  • Install Time:Specifies the date/time when the USB device was installed. USBDeview can read this property only when you run it as Administrator.This property is stored under Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} subkey, property number is 0064.
  • First Install Time:Specifies when the USB device was installed in the first time. USBDeview can read this property only when you run it as Administrator.This property is stored under Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} subkey, property number is 0065.
  • Connect Time:Specifies the last time that the USB device was plugged. USBDeview can read this property only when you run it as Administrator. This property is available only on Windows 10/8.This property is stored under Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} subkey, property number is 0066.
  • Disconnect Time:Specifies the last time that the USB device was unplugged. This property is available only on Windows 10/8.USBDeview can read this property only when you run it as Administrator.This property is stored under Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29} subkey, property number is 0067.

USBDeview Icons Legend

The device is not connected.
The device is connected. It's safe to physically unplug the device without disconnecting it.
The device is connected. You must disconnect the device from USBDeview or from Windows 'Safely Remove Hardware' option before you physically unplug it.
The device is disabled.

'Vendor Name' And 'Product Name' Columns

Starting from version 1.35, you can view the vendor name and product name of your USB devices.In order to use this feature, you have to download the USB ID's list of Stephen J. Gowdy( and put the file in the same folder of USBDeview.exe
The name of the file must remain as 'usb.ids'.

Speed Test for USB Flash Drives

Starting from version 1.40, USBDeview allows you to test the read/write speed of your USB flash drive.The test is made by writing a large file (named $speed_test_nirsoft$.dat) into your USB flash drive, and then reading it back for testing the read speed.Be aware that you need at least 100 MB of free disk space in order to successfully make this speed test.Also, be aware that this test is made with sequential read and write operations. When using multiple small files, the read/write performances are usually much lower than sequential read/write.

In order to make a speed test to your flash drive, simply select the desired item in the main window, and then choose the 'Speed Test' option from the File menu, or press Ctrl+T.In the speed test window, verify that the selected drive letter is the right one, and then press the 'Start Test' button.Wait a few seconds until the write and read tests are finished.

Publishing Your Speed Test Result

If you want to share your speed test results, so other people that want to purchase a USB flash drive will be able to easily compare the speedof different flash drives, you can use the 'Publish Test Result' option to do that.

When you successfully finish a speed test, the 'Publish Test Result' button is automatically enabled.Clicking this button opens a new window that displays all the data that will be sent to Web site, and ask you the confirm the speed test publishing.Be aware that only the data displayed in this window is transmitted to Web site.USBDeview doesn't send the serial number of your USB device or any other information that may violate your privacy.


Starting from version 1.10, USBDeview allows you to automatically run a file on USB flash memory devices, according to AutoRun.inf filename.You can manually activate the AutoPlay feature by selecting the desired device and pressing F8.Alternatively, You can check the 'AutoPlay When Device Is Connected' option, and then the AutoPlayfeature will be automatically activated when you insert a USB flash memory device.
Be aware that this feature only works if USBDeview detects the drive letter of the device.

Execute a command when you insert a USB device

Starting from version 1.10, USBDeview allows you to execute a command from exe/cmd/bat file in every time that inserta USB device to your system.In order to use this feature, go to 'Options->Advanced Options', select the 'Execute.' check-box, and typethe exe/cmd file that you want to run.You can also use the following special variables in this command string: %device_name%, %device_desc%, %drive%, %serial_number%, %vid%, %pid%, %vid_hex%, %pid_hex%, %device_type%, %service_name%, %device_class%, %device_mfg%
USBDeview will automatically replace these variables with the appropriate data of the device that you inserted.For example, if you want to pass to your exe file 2 parameters - the serial number of the device, and the drive letter:
c:temptest.exe '%serial_number%' '%drive%'

Known Limitations/Issues

  • For all devices except 'Mass Storage' Devices:If you plug a device to one USB port, and then you plug the same device to another USB port, a newrecord of the same device will be created for each USB port that you plug. So if you see multiple lines for exactly the same device, it means that you plugged it to different USB ports. The USB ports that you plugged are specified in 'Hub/Port' column.
    However, for 'Mass Storage' device, only one record is created for each device, even if you plug it todifferent USB port.
  • When a USB device is added/removed on your local computer, UDBDeview utility automatically updates the list of USB devices.
    But.. If you UDBDeview is connected to a remote computer, the list won't refresh automatically when a deviceis added or removed. You must refresh it manually, by pressing F5 key.

Connecting To Remote Computer

The following command-line options allows you to connect to remote computers.You must login to the remote computer with admin user in order to use these options.
  • /remote <Computer Name>
    Allows you to connect a single remote computer.
    For Example:
    USBDeview.exe /remote MyComp
  • /remotefile <Computers List File>
    Allows you to connect multiple computers, and view all their USB activity in one window.The computers list file should be a simple Ascii text file with computer names separated by colon, semicolon, space, tab characters or CRLF.
    For Example:
    USBDeview.exe /remotefile 'c:tempcomp.txt'
In order to successfully get full admin access to the remote computer, read this Blog post:How to connect a remote Windows 7/Vista/XP computer with NirSoft utilities.

Connecting To external SYSTEM registry file

If you have the 'SYSTEM' registry file of external operating system, you can usethe following command-line option to read the USB devices list from it:
/regfile <SYSTEM Registry File>

For Example:
USBDeview.exe /regfile 'c:tempregfilesSYSTEM'
USBDeview.exe /regfile 'd:windowssystem32configSYSTEM'

This option has some limitations:

  • You cannot read a Registry file of Windows XP/2003/Vista from Windows 2000 Machine.
  • USBDeview works in read-only mode. (You cannot uninstall a device from external file)

Stop/Disconnect Command-Line Options

  • /stop {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
    Stop/disconnect a USB device by specifying its name or description.
    You don't have to specify the whole name or description.You can also specify only a part of the name or description string, and USBDeviewwill identify it. For example, If the device name is 'Kingston DataTraveler 2.0', you can simply put 'kingston' or 'DataTraveler' in the device name parameter, and USBDeview will disconnect theright device.You can also specify the instance ID string of the device.
    If you want that a message/balloon will be displayed after the device is disconnected, add the '/showmsg' parameter. (Windows 2000 displays a message-box, Windows XP displays a balloon)
    If you want to disconnect a device in a remote computer, specify the remote computer name,with prefix. You must login to the remote computer with admin rights in order to do that.
    USBDeview.exe /stop /showmsg 'DVD RW'
    USBDeview.exe /stop 'DataTraveler'
    USBDeview.exe /stop comp01 'SanDisk Cruzer'
    USBDeview.exe /stop 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'
  • /stop_by_serial {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
    Similar to /stop command, but instead of specifying a device name, you should specify the serial number of the device. Works only with mass storage devices.
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_serial ea051261
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_serial /showmsg 876534513
  • /stop_by_drive {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
    Stop/disconnect a USB device by specifying its drive letter.Works only with USB flash drives and CD/DVD devices.
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_drive g:
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_drive /showmsg f:
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_drive /showmsg comp02 t:
  • /stop_by_class {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
    Stop/disconnect a USB device by specifying the class/subclass/protocol combination.
    For example, if you want to stop all 'Mass Storage' devices, you should specify the following class/subclass/protocol combination: 08;06;50
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_class /showmsg 08;06;50
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_class 03;01;02
  • /stop_by_pid {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
    Stop/disconnect a USB device by specifying the VendorID/ProductID. You can specify only the VendorID if you want to disconnect all devices with that VendorID.
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_pid /showmsg 13fe;1a00
    USBDeview.exe /stop_by_pid 04f9
  • /stop_all {/showmsg} {RemoteComputer}
    Stop/disconnect all USB devices currently connected to your computer.

Disable/Enable/Remove Command-Line Options

Starting from version 1.20, you can also use the following commands to disable, enable or remove USB devices from command-line:
  • /disable {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /disable_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /disable_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /disable_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /disable_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
  • /disable_all {RemoteComputer}
  • /enable {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /enable_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /enable_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /enable_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /enable_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
  • /enable_all {RemoteComputer}
  • /disable_enable {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /disable_enable_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /disable_enable_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /disable_enable_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /disable_enable_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
  • /disable_enable_all {RemoteComputer}
  • /remove {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /remove_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /remove_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /remove_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /remove_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
  • /remove_all {RemoteComputer}
  • /remove_all_connected - Remove all connected USB devices.
  • /remove_all_disconnected - Remove all disconnected USB devices.
Disable, enable and remove actions require elevation ('Run As Administrator').You can use the above command-line options with elevation by adding /RunAsAdmin to the command, for example:
USBDeview.exe /RunAsAdmin /disable 'USBVid_1058&Pid_10238539583490834690'

Check if a device is connected/disconnected or enabled/disabled

Starting from version 2.70, you can check whether a device is connected/disconnected or enabled/disabled by using the following command-line options:
  • /is_connected {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /is_connected_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /is_connected_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /is_connected_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /is_connected_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
  • /is_disabled {RemoteComputer} <Device Name>
  • /is_disabled_by_serial {RemoteComputer} <Device Serial>
  • /is_disabled_by_drive {RemoteComputer} <Drive Letter>
  • /is_disabled_by_class {RemoteComputer} <USB Class;USB SubClass;USB Protocol>
  • /is_disabled_by_pid {RemoteComputer} <VendorID;ProductID>
When using the above commands, USBDeview returns the number of disabled or connected devices that match the specified string.
For example, the following batch file will display 1 if the device with serial number 7538957348957398 is connected or 0 if the device is not connected:
USBDeview.exe /is_connected_by_serial '7538957348957398'Bluebird Soft Port Devices Driver

Save Command-Line Options

/stab <Filename>Save the list of all USB devices into a tab-delimited text file.
/stabular <Filename>Save the list of all USB devices into a tabular text file.
/sverhtml <Filename>Save the list of all USB devices into HTML file (Vertical).
/sort <column>This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column.If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface.The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) orthe name of the column, like 'Device Name' and 'Description'.You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: '~Description') if you want to sort in descending order.You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns.

USBDeview.exe /shtml 'f:tempusb-list.html' /sort 2 /sort ~1
USBDeview.exe /shtml 'f:tempusb-list.html' /sort 'Device Type' /sort 'Device Name'

/DisplayDisconnected <0 | 1>Specifies whether to show disconnected devices. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
/DisplayNoDriver <0 | 1>Specifies whether to show devices without driver. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
/RetrieveUSBPower <0 | 1>Specifies whether to retrieve USB power/version information.
/TrayIcon <0 | 1>Specifies whether to start USBDeview with a tray icon.
/cfg <Filename>Start USBDeview with the specified configuration file.For example:
USBDeview.exe /cfg 'c:configudv.cfg'
USBDeview.exe /cfg '%AppData%USBDeview.cfg'
Bluebird soft port devices driver device

Translating USBDeview to other languages

In order to translate USBDeview to other language, follow the instructions below:
  1. Run USBDeview with /savelangfile parameter:
    USBDeview.exe /savelangfile
    A file named USBDeview_lng.ini will be created in the folder of USBDeview utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language.Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window.
  4. After you finish the translation, Run USBDeview, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file.
    If you want to run USBDeview without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.


If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to
Download USBDeview
Download USBDeview for x64 systems
Check Download MD5/SHA1/SHA256 Hashes
USBDeview is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of USBDeview, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'usbdeview_lng.ini', and put it in the same folder that you Installed USBDeview utility.
LanguageTranslated ByDateVersion
ArabicMohamed.Bajdouai13/12/2015USBDeview v2.51
Brazilian PortugueseGeraldo Coimbra29/02/20202.86
Brazilian PortuguesePaulo Guzmán11/09/20182.75
BulgarianHristo Drumev15/09/2007
CzechMiroslav Machacek10/04/2010
CzechShar (viteco(at-sign)
DanishChristian Læssøe29/10/2009
DutchJan Verheijen10/09/20203.01
FrenchEric FICHOT15/09/20203.01
French07/08/2017 2.71
FrenchCyril KRR28/06/20192.80
GalicianXosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez13/01/2007
German«Latino» auf WinTotal.de10/09/20203.01
HungarianTamás Ferenc19/06/20162.60
ItalianLuca Barattini (MS)31/08/2016
JapaneseISHIGAKI, Kazuhito08/06/2009
KoreanJ. K. Lee.(Wave)24/09/2019v2.80
NorwegianJohnny Dag Hansen28/07/2009
RomanianJaff (Oprea Nicolae)05/02/20162.52
RussianDmitry Yerokhin11/09/20203.01
Simplified Chinese火焰大佐09/04/20162.55
Simplified ChineseDaiXQ021_2.86汉化版07/03/20202.86
Simplified ChineseDickMoore08/10/20203.01
SlovakFrantišek Fico15/09/20203.01
SlovakJuraj Vana20/10/20152.46
SwedishGöran Helsingborg05/12/20182.78
Traditional ChineseWing Lee11/07/20142.35
Traditional ChineseDanfong Hsieh22/09/2020
Traditional ChineseAbel Chuang19/06/20122.11
Thaiประสิทธิ์ แคภูเขียว26/03/2008
TurkishCemil Kaynar25/03/20172.65
Ukrainian Lembergman, March 201830/03/20182.75